The Unexpected Richness of an Ordinary Life-Lisa C. Miller: Bio



I am Lisa C. Miller. I am a poet who has, had  a creative partnership with the Holy Spirit for many years.
My family and I live in the beautiful state of Alaska, where the spirit of animals and men roam free. Their secrets are carried throughout the land by the wind and the mountains echo with them.
I fell in love with poetry because of its beauty.
I understand most people have a hard time understanding poetry or maybe they do and it scares them.
But poetry shows man’s flaws, scars and beauty. There is nothing hidden in poetry.
I feel drawn to poetry because it shows mankind at its best and worse. Most people want things hidden.
One of the best ways to get to know yourself is to write because what was hidden is now open.
Poetry reveals man to himself, but: man is scared of himself so he runs away.
I like to blog, write, social media, read.
My parents always had books, paper and pens sitting around waiting to be used. You can find me even to this day with a book stuck to my face. To this day I have not been disappointed. I am never bored.
Now, I not, only, read books, but I write them. Writing books is, just as much fun as reading them.

I read and write books so I can understand myself and others better. Writing poetry and trying to understand yourself is like working a puzzle. Some of the pieces come easy and others hurt. Writing poetry helps you to connect to your soul.  
Come back to visit often. We can learn about poetry and writing together.

I may be found here:

5.  Instagram

8.  Wix



Moved to different site.

 I have moved this blog to a new home. Here is the link:   Wordpress If anyone is interested in joining me there.